Ammonia Inhalant 33 cc 10 per box

Product Description

Ammonia Inhalant 33 cc 10 per box Ammonia Inhalant 33 cc 10 per box

Customer Reviews

I'm not a "morning person". I tolerate the pre-noon hours in much the same way Superman would endure a kryptonite G-string -- with lots of fidgeting and sweating and complaining about the enormous pain in the butt it's causing.
But some days, I have to "rise and whine", whether I like it or not. For those mornings, I need a boost to get up and at 'em. Or up and near 'em. Up and not drooling on 'em, at least. I'll take what I can get.
Often I'll wake up groggy, and simply fade back into blissful sleep. So I bought these smelling salts to keep on the nightstand. One whiff of one of these babies, I figured, and I'll be wide-eyed and sinus-cleared, ready for whatever the day throws at me.
In that sense, the packets work great. Waft one under your nose and you'll forget all about sleeping. Or smelling. Or what your name and address are, most likely. They should call these things "amnesia inhalants"; one tiny snootful, and your whole world is awake in a funky fog.
The only downside is, the smell tends to linger. With the pack on the nightstand, my entire bedroom smells like ammonia. For the last three nights, I've dreamt of nothing but industrial solvents and cleaning old urinals. Which is precisely the sort of thing I'm going to sleep to _forget_. Calgon, take this ammonia away!

I bought this product to improve my first-aid kit, it is used in cases of fainting or momentary loss of consciousness.
So I hope it helps if necessary.
It is said to be very effective to make you regain consciousness or wake you up if you're too weak.

Product Features

  • Ammonia Inhalant 33 cc
  • 10 per box

Price : $3.75
Ammonia Inhalant 33 cc 10 per box

Product Details

  • Shipping Weight: 8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
  • ASIN: B0008GKYM0

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